Use the above workbook for below tasks Part 1: Recording Performance Metrics Open your workbook in Tableau
Archives: Assignments
Assignment – World indicator data
Dataset Use the World Bank Global Development Data for this exercise. Note: You need to pivot
Assignment 1 – Basics
Homework Exercise: Tableau Basics Objective: Apply your knowledge of Tableau basics by creating a fully functional and interactive
Assignment: Analysing COVID-19 Data in Australia
Objective: You are tasked with analysing and presenting insights from the Australian COVID-19 dataset. This dataset includes details
Educations stats
Basic Dashboards: Enrollment Trend Analysis Line charts showing enrollment rates over time Simple country/region filters Basic year-over-year comparisons
Students Performance Dashboards
Basic Dashboard Wins: Test Score Distribution Dashboard Bar charts comparing math/reading/writing scores Simple filters by gender and race/ethnicity
Global Renewable Energy and temperature analysis
Global Renewable Energy & Temperature Analysis Interactive Dashboard Exercise for Tableau Public Portfolio Available Datasets Renewable Energy Percentage
Higher Education Analysis
Higher Education Analysis Dashboard Analysis of Educational Expenditure, STEM vs. Non-STEM Balance, and Graduation Trends Available Datasets Current
Retail Sales Dashboard
Use super store 1. Retail Sales Dashboard Skill Level: Basic Required Skills: Bar charts Line charts Basic filters
World happiness report
Dataset: Learning Objectives: Create filled maps Work with geographic data Use colour gradients Add interactive tooltips Create